We are either for or against, pro or contra, agree or disagree…!
Consider this : you are 50% predictable and so is the other part.
Consider this : do something innovative, unexpected, arrogantly humble and simple.
Consider this instead of numerous predictable actions, mostly historically based point of views immediately obsolete from the start, in which you can only state the obvious. Everybody knows the outcome of our actions by now. We have sufficient data to know the result of most of our behaviours and yet we keep expecting a different result repeating over and over the same procedure…
For a moment, think on how you can stop racesexgender discrimination, inequality, privilege, patriarchy, etc… with something as simple as a whisper, inaction, color, overall kindness, rest, ecology, pedagogy and most of all with proper training!!! … An infinite number of advanced techniques of human and social engagement with one another instead of the usual escalation of despair and aggressiveness.
Take a step back, or even better, take a steep without any known direction and stop. Think ominously and reflect on that sensation of engulfing the energy from life itself just to give it all away! Once, to the ones who are not yet prepared to know how to receive it ( or achieve it ) and repeat till the day you become dust.
Rest, and become an agent of the unknown, of the absence of classification.
Binary is not enough to make it worth.
Evolve into the polinary state of your self.